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Netball Australia makes pay offer to Super players

페이지 정보

작성자 Corazon
댓글 0건 조회 21회 작성일 24-09-03 11:01


Netball Australia has made a pay offer to the sport's elite players that would allow contracting to begin for the 2024 Super Netball season while negotiations continue between the warring parties.

The sport's governing body (NA) and the Australian Netball Players' Association (ANPA) have been at loggerheads since February, with Super players boycotting the annual Liz Ellis Diamond awards dinner last Saturday in Melbourne.

5CfXs.pngDiamonds players attended under the threat of legal action, which prompted former captain Ellis to accuse NA of treating its national stars with "callous disregard".

The new deal would mean all players receive an 11 per cent pay rise back-dated to October 1, the day after the last collective player agreement (CPA) ended, while the groups continue to hammer out a new contract.

NA have agreed to the union's demands for a first-ever revenue-share proposal, which had been a sticking point. The governing body originally wanted a profit-share model.

NA have boosted their offer of a guaranteed total increase in benefits to 23 per cent ($1.45 million). Minimum salaries will rise from $40,000 to $46,600 with ongoing increases over the term of a three-year CPA, pushing the average wage to $86,500.

Chief executive Kelly Ryan said NA had invited player representatives to Ask a question Provide Feedback meeting to outline further potential concessions regarding the revenue-share model and opportunities for players to work more closely with commercial partners to grow the sport.

"We have listened to the players and their need for financial certainty right now," Ryan said in a statement on Wednesday.

"This offer we have put forward would allow them to be paid immediately, while we continue negotiations with ANPA on building a financial model for the league.

"We hope this will provide all parties the certainty and stability they seek."

The ANPA is meeting with players on Wednesday to discuss the deal.

If accepted the contracting period would begin for all Super Netball teams, with the previous agreement having expired on September 30 and the clock ticking on the new season.


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